有没有一这时候 你喜欢一个人在房间里听歌 想事情
有没有一些时候 突然就心情不好了起来
有没有一些时候 你想着想着 就哭了
我需要正面思想 :-(:-(
有时候 冷淡的你让我不知所措 T_T
Today is not a really joyful day, for me.
Haih. He's going to KL for 亚太.tomorrow until Friday!
And I don't know who set the law not to allow them to bring handphone.:( can't even bring it to kl!! I don't understand why!
He will stay there for 6days which mean were going to lost contact for 6days!!
I really feel bad, why don't let them bring phone at least we still can contact each other. :( *tearsdropping*
my very first time, not going to have a goodnight call :(
My very first time, not going to receive good morning from him. :(
And also the everyday must have call!! :(
EMO oh haih!! gottamisshimalotandalot T^T
不知不觉来到10月 非常忙碌的WEEK 9也这样过去了
10月 真的是 既期待又害怕受伤害
两个星期厚就是STUDY WEEK.
22号开始Degree yr1 sem1 final exam!!
前几天 美里的朋友和housemate去民都鲁玩 we really had lots of fun together~ looking forward for our next trip together, yea? :)
Revision timetable也没有真的在跟 落后了 真的落后了 我朋友已经把之前的lecture slides都读好了 而我 还是在原地踏步!我不想再堕落下去了!但偏偏在这时候病了 我今天上了9次厕所了!@_@
10月 :) 你好 我们要好好的在一起哟!:-D
Thank you for the amazing mooncake festival! The wishes you wrote did really touched me~ Together we pray hard, study hard and work hard! Love you. :P
今天完成了这个sem的最后一个presentation!! Yeah ~~ No more assignment and presentation! 现在要专心预备final!! 当然是先看戏看个痛快先 :)
大学 一个让你不得不成长的地方!人心险恶 过河拆桥 对我来说 已经是家常便饭!! 不眠不休的赶assignment~ 到头来却是被说didn't contribute anything的人? 好啊 我终于看清 我每次都跟别人说我所谓的 foundation best friends!! 就是酱?? 哈哈!这种事情 逼着我成长!I learnt a great lesson. Thanks a lot, my FRIENDS! As i said, i don't mind to retake it next sem, do whatever you want! 开心就好
4more weeks to study week.
5more weeks to final exam.
Yes!! Shouldn't be lazy anymore. :/
Timetable to study ~ DONE!! I hope i can follow what i planned. Yeah ~~ be joyful!! Those xue te ppl and things doesn't have the right to spoil my mood~ :-D
谁还记得 那些年 我们一起庆祝的教师节?
当然 心里真的有说不出的感受!看到大家疯狂的拍照 整班一起吃东西 聊天 听歌!大家 这是我们的那些年!
仁和的菜燕 蛋糕
还有大家的笑声 ……………
我一个校友在学校走来走去 有点像那种老人在怀念什么 哈哈 可是我真的很希望再来一次!
在中学 大家可能觉得 教师节 语文周等等的东西 很废 很无聊 去礼堂看节目 很闷很显 可是 我今天却享受在那虽然不怎么好看的表演里面!
在学校走来走去 看到他们 就好像以前的我们一样 哈哈!一点点的废 但那些回忆多美好!
一点点的感性 一点点的想大家…
希望下一次回校 有你们的陪伴!