Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My life is so busy these dayss!
So i dont even have time to EMO. to miss youu. :)

There's still alot of works for school magazine!
Erghhhh! Stupid me, missed so many pages and thingss! :(


There's a lot of work for graduation dinner TOO!
Hmmm. Busy typinggg & writing.. ><


There's ALOT ALOT ALOT of BOOKS i havent read yet!
Oh yea, UEC is only 37 days left!
Wahahaha. How come i dont feel nervous at all!
Hmm. But i did work hard for it. 
*not very very hard lahh><

Well. I'll try my best for UEC.

I decided to QUIT FB again since i found it boringg ==


i always told myself to work hard & to stay away from lappy, but owes FAILL. 
useless mee :(

Well, just finished my works & my revision for BS.

& its raining now.

What a good weather to sleep.

Goodnight Dad.
Goodnight DaddyMummy.
Goodnight Frenss.
& Goodnight, YOU.

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