Sunday, January 30, 2011

My day.

Daddy and mummy went to Miri to fetch my relatives from Sabah last night.
Im waiting for this days for months already.
But it will be nicer if JOANNE LOH is coming too!

They reached at Miri on 8.30am today.
Which means, they nid to wake up at 4, and go to airport and check in b4 6.
Bcos their flight is on 7am.
They reached Bintulu on 2pm. We went to a coffee shop near Okawa's house for lunch.
We really had a HEAVY LUNCH.@@

After that we go back to my house.
My little cousin ( 7 yrs old ) keep asking me
' jiejie, wo men xian zai yao qu na li oh '
i say ' hotel lah '
i repeated this answer for N times.


' jiejie, wo men xian zai dao hotel liao '
' shi lah, mei you kan guo jiang mei de hotel meh '
' jiejie, zuo mo hotel jiang zi de '
Yea, he's pointing at my home.
Well, jiejie forgive you for ur childishness xDDD

After resting for a while, then we start our ONLINE TIME.
ASUS ACER and HP together in the living room.
Weii, 3 ppl sharing a Wi-Fi, i dont feel good please. Dont rampas line with me lah.
I use my laptop for half an hour, then i pass it to my cousin, LiangLiang.
Then i start to QUEUE for bath. ( frm 3pm )

While waiting for toilet, im also waiting for Liang to give back me my laptop.
But he and his brother, MingMing, TAKE TURNS to use my laptop.
Waiya, im just standing beside and SEE them to play DDT!
How i wish i could CLOSE DDT immediately so that i can use my laptop.
Well, i feel good to see them playing and quarreling. xDD
i have to say, scolding bad words when you lose the game, it isnt cool or diao.
i scolded you guys, is for your own good kay?

I had my bath at 6.30pm. @@
i waited for 3.5 hours. Bcos there are 25 ppl queueing for bath.
( yea, there are 25 ppl live in my house today. )
everyone is waiting for me because im the last one to bath.
after wearing lens, then i rush to downstairs.
after that, we go to PINEAPPLE to have our dinner.

Another HEAVY dinner. ><
We had
Asam Curry, Kangkong, Petai, Toufu, Prawn, and 3 others.
After that we have Coconut pudding and fried durian as dessert.
The fried durian is SO NICE! but i ate 2 onli bcos i dont dare to try at 1st.
and when i want to try, there're only 2 left. ><

Oh ya, i borrow my cousins my phone when i was eating.
At 1st they are playing games and take photo bah.
But who know, suddenly their eyes staring at me, for at least 5 seconds.
And ask my mum ' jiejie pakto liao? '
I was like ' what? anything inside my phone shows that im in a relationship? '
Yuan lai yuan lai, they saw an pictures folder with the folder name ' Love '
They're few pics of me and him inside the folder.
Hahaha. i dont know who created this but thanks the one who created this.
i feel sweet when i saw it bt, wei, you ppl is too boring is it.
* im sure that its my classmate *

After explaining for the misunderstand, i continue with my food. hahaha.
We went back home at 830pm bcos all of us want to rush back to home for the final of MILLIONS STAR.
Well, Jess Lee is really a PROFESSIONAL singer.
I cried when she sings 勇敢 last week.
I cried again, whn she sing 回家 just now.
Her voice is really nice and it touched me always.
She get 4 FULL MARKS continuosly in 2 weeks.
And, i always cry when i listen to EMO song. ><
Which mean, after watching the final, i become very very very emo.

All the songs make me think of someone.
I miss you.❤
* SKIP *

Its 2.26 am now.
Im chatting with Angel, Karen, Sammi, Lin.
I miss school.
I miss friends.
I miss him.

Goodnite world.

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